English language department organized annual university Olympiad of English language

English language department organized annual university Olympiad of English language. The Olympiad was participated by students of I, II and III courses of all specialty, with non in-depth study of English language.

The Olympiad was held in two stages:

Stage ILexical and grammatical test and essay writing on the proposed topic. November, 24

Stage II – creative presentation of the project on the proposed topic.

November, 25

Stage I was attended by 97 students, and 15 students passed to the Stage II:

  1. Мейрбек Алина
  2. Тажанов Аскар
  3. Жумабеков Амангельды
  4. Ахмеджанов Рахим
  5. Муканов Гизат
  6. Мырзатай Султан
  7. КусаиноваМадина
  8. Каирбекова Акмарал
  9. Жамали Айман
  10. Ахметгалиев Руслан
  11. Мусадилов Чингиз
  12. Сыздыкова Дилара
  13. Нагыманов Адильхан
  14. Ыскакова Алма
  15. Бидельманова Диляра

According to the results of the Stage II, the winners were:

1st place – Сыздык Дилара

2nd place- Тажанов Аскар, Мусадилов Чингиз

3rd place – Ыскакова Алма, Ахметгалиев Руслан

Participants who took the 1st, 2nd and 3rd places were awarded with diplomas and gifts.